Project Description
Don’t just Go with the Flow!
Exploring the Infinite within the Finite
Inspired by the mathematician and astronomer August Ferdinand Möbius’s strip and all its drifting symbols, the concept is based on the idea of FLOW, Go with the FLOW, Be the FLOW. The objects are designed as continuous lines, curved, and organic, no matter what material they are made of. If you put your pen on the paper to draw such a form, you should not pick up the pencil until you finish the entire object.
The Moebius strip is a fascinating geometric shape. With its endless twist and unique properties, it has long captivated the minds of artists and philosophers alike. The single continuous surface, with no clear beginning or end, symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of all things. It represents the blurred lines between dualities, such as inside and outside, past and future, and self and other. From a mathematical perspective, the Moebius strip challenges our understanding of space and dimension, reminding us of the limitations of our perception and the possibility of the unknown. For an artist, it represents a metaphor for the fluidity of identity and the infinite possibilities of the creative process. As an object, the Moebius strip is a physical manifestation of the concept of unity in diversity. It serves as an invitation to explore and question our perceptions, and to discover the beauty in the seemingly impossible. In this way, the Moebius strip serves not only as a fascinating object of study but also as a powerful symbol of the infinite and the unknown. It reminds us that in a world where everything is connected, every twist and turn is an opportunity to see something new and unexpected.
The concept of the FLOW is a representation of infinity within a finite form. The objects are meant to be explored, delved into, and understood at deeper levels.
(work in progress)
The City as a Playground
“You can’t really appreciate a work of art until you can understand how difficult it was to create. And that’s probably true of any work of art – a rock, a tree, a bird, a fish, a sunrise made of light and air.”
Flow is a part of the Internet of Skaters, one of the experiments included in the Synapse Experiments & Experiences, the Internet of Living Things. The project is initiated and developed by researcher Marian Zamfirescu, Head of CETAL (Center for Advanced Laser Technologies), together with students from the Politehnica University of Bucharest – Faculty of Applied Sciences and students from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest, Măgurele.
Movement parameters: shocks and vibrations, as well as direction. Monitored and registered. Considering skating, in particular, the motions are fast and intense, with a rich spectrum of direction and vibration, translated into numeric data. The emotion, experiences, failures, and victories of the skaters, all become digital data artistically transformed into sounds and images.